Nuclear energy in the European Union

With some 130 reactors, approximately one third of reactors worldwide is in operation in the European Union.

11 out of the 28 Member States of the European Union do not operate nuclear power plants and also do not plan to do so. Two Member States are preparing a nuclear power programme and/or the building of a new nuclear power plant. One Member State is the co-owner of a nuclear power plant, yet does not act as an operator. Of the 14 Member States currently operating a nuclear power plant themselves, only two have prepared specific plans for phasing out nuclear energy, and in three other Member States, it is currently unclear where they will be headed in terms of nuclear energy.

Country Status Share of nuclear energy in electricity production in 2015 in %
Belgium Phase-out by 2025 decided 37.53%
Bulgaria No phase-out plans, building of new installations in the pipeline 31.32 %
Denmark No nuclear power plants, by virtue of 1985 Parliament decision -
Germany Accelerated phase-out by 2022 decided 14.09 %
Estonia No nuclear power plants -
Finland No phase-out plans, building of new installations ongoing 33.74 %
France No phase-out plans, yet reduction of share to 50 % until 2025, building of new installations ongoing 76.34 %
Greece No nuclear power plants -
Great Britain No phase-out plans, building of new installations in the pipeline 18.87 %
Ireland No nuclear power plants -
Italy Phase-out decided by virtue of 1987 referendum -
Croatia 50% owned by Krsko nuclear power plant in Slovenia Supplied with electricity from Krsko nuclear power plant on a pro-rata basis
Latvia No nuclear power plants -
Lithuania Ignalina nuclear power plant shut down, building of new installations planned -
Luxembourg No nuclear power plants -
Malta No nuclear power plants -
Netherlands Phase-out by 2003 decided, yet repealed in 2005 3.67 %
Austria No nuclear power plants, rejected by virtue of 1978 referendum -
Poland Entry around 2025 in preparation -
Portugal No nuclear power plants -
Romania No phase-out plans, building interrupted 17.33 %
Sweden Plans for phase-out repealed in 2010 34.33 %
Slovakia No phase-out plans, building of nuclear power plants ongoing 55.90 %
Slovenia No phase-out plans, building of new installations considered, Croatia holds a 50% co-ownership in the Krsko nuclear power plant 38.01 % thereof held by Croatia
Spain Step-by-step phase-out by 2014 decided, but new law enabling the extension of service life of nuclear power plants 20.34 %
Czech Republic No phase-out plans, building of new installations and increase of nuclear power share in the pipeline 32.53 %
Hungary No phase-out plans, building of new installations in the pipeline 52.67 %
Cyprus No nuclear power plants -

For detailed information on all nuclear power plants in Europe, see the WebGIS application on the website of the Environment Agency Austria .